Test the waters

Test the waters
Producto nº: ESL - it´s just an English test
Tu precio: $1,000.00
Disponibilidad: En existencia

So, you are not sure about your English level...

You may range from: "pollito-chicken" to fully bilingual (maybe even "bicultural")

First things first.  Let´s check your English level.  Quick, easy, grading for each capability: listening, comprehension, speaking, writing

Why, you may ask, do I need to pay for this?  Doesn´t the internet offers many tests, for free? 

Here´s the catch: I´ll tell you, upfront, what I recommend for you to ACHIEVE your ESL objetive: i.e. pass a test in a University, plan a trip abroad, get approval to access post-graduate studies and scholarships, just practice because "it´s been a long time since you practiced the language"


  • 1 hour test (in person, virtual)
  • 15 minutes results discussion and personalized program recommendation